From the blog

Website Improvement Means Quicker Research

We are moving rapidly through our daily reveal of the tracks included on Before the Big Bang, and response has been very encouraging not only to the selections but also to the informative tidbits used to gloss the items. You may have seen these on Facebook or in their proper places under the Archives tab. Now we are providing a quick link to them from the Tracks page so you can quickly find any blurb you are interested in.

Click on the “Tracks” tab at the top of the page, and select a CD from the 6, or click on “All Tracks.” You might also notice the very powerful search box. You can begin typing a name or a song, and matches begin appearing immediately below the box.

To the right of each track that has been revealed you’ll see a little orange icon of a book—which here means “Read more.” The link will take you to the Archives entry for that selection, where you can read a little bit more about the performer or the song or the record, depending on the day. Before the Big Bang will feature full track notes on every one of the 167 selections, so these blurbs are just a start!